Which Bird Are You?

Early Bird Or Night Owl?

Friday, December 30, 2016

This screen time might actually help you sleep

Cognitive Therapy ‏@CognitiveTherapy 

Tuesday Posted Dec 27, 2016

By Benedict Carey The New York Times

The same digital screens that have helped nurture a generation of insomniacs can also help restore regular sleep, researchers report. In a study, more than half of chronic insomniacs who used an automated online therapy program reported improvement within weeks and were sleeping normally a year later.

The new report, in JAMA Psychiatry, is the most comprehensive to date suggesting that many garden-variety insomniacs could benefit from the gold standard treatment - cognitive behavior therapy - without ever having to talk to a therapist.

At least one in 10 adults has diagnosable insomnia, defined as broken, inadequate slumber at least three nights a week for three months running or longer.

"I've been an insomniac all my life, I've tried about everything," said Dale Love-Callon, 70, a math tutor in Rancho Palos Verdes, California, who recently used the software. "I don't have it 100 percent conquered, but I'm sleeping much better now."

The new trial tested the digital therapy in a broad, diverse group of longtime insomniacs. Most had used medication or supplements, and some still did.

"These results suggest that there are a group of patients who can benefit without the need of a high-intensity intervention," like face-to-face therapy, said Jack Edinger, a professor at National Jewish Health in Denver. "We don't know yet exactly who they are - the people who volunteer for a study like this in first place are self-motivated - but they're out there."

Researchers at the University of Virginia recruited 303 people ages 21 to 65 over the internet. Half were randomly assigned to receive education and advice on insomnia. The other half got a six-week focused online therapy product, called SHUTi.

Some of the researchers, as well as the university, have a stake in this product, which costs $135 for 16 weeks of access. None of those connected to the company analyzed the data or had access to it, said Lee Ritterband, the lead author and a developer of the online therapy.

SHUTi is not the only product on the market. Sleepio, which costs $300 for a year's access, also incorporates cognitive therapy. Both incorporate the techniques of cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia. Some of those techniques date back decades. One is called sleep restriction, in which people set a regular "sleep window" and work to stick to it. Another is called stimulus control, an attempt to break the association between lying in bed and activities like streaming video and eating.

Finally, the therapy prompts people to log in daily and record each night's sleep in some detail; it then tailors weekly sessions based on those entries.

Love-Callon's problem, for example, was waking up too early, at 4 a.m. or thereabouts. The online program, she said, instructed her to get out of bed when that happened, and sit and read for 40 minutes - which is more likely to induce sleepiness than, say, shopping online.

"And it has worked," she said. "I get drowsy while reading and have been able to go back to bed and fall asleep."

This screen time might actually help you sleep - Ocala

 http://dlvr.it/N0ZgrF - #CT #CBT

 Source: http://www.ocala.com/news/20161227/this-screen-time-might-actually-help-you-sleep?start=4


Friday, December 9, 2016

the link between insomnia and depression.

The new trial that improves insomnia

It's not at all unusual for people with depression to have difficulty sleeping. Now a trial has focussed on treating the insomnia in the hope that it improves the depression, rather than vice versa. Professor of Mental Health, Helen Christensen, and Dr Aliza Werner-Saidler, a Research Fellow and Clinical Psychologist at the Black Dog Institute at the University of New South Wales in Australia, showed Claudia Hammond how an online programme called SHUTi - developed by the University of Virginia and commercially available - helped people with insomnia and depression.
First broadcast on All in the Mind, 7 December 2016.

Release date:

This clip is from

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Chronic insomnia's association with increased medical and psychiatric morbidity

Chronic insomnia's association with increased medical and psychiatric morbidity:

Could less time in bed prevent chronic insomnia?


People who find it difficult to fall or stay asleep may be surprised to learn that new research suggests they should try spending less time in bed as a way to prevent chronic insomnia. The finding supports the idea that the way to tackle insomnia is to avoid increasing sleep opportunity - instead, it should be decreased to match sleep ability.

The study found that the participants who developed acute insomnia and recovered from it reduced the amount of time they spent in bed, whereas the participants who went on to develop chronic insomnia increased it.

In fact, the study - led by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania (Penn) in Philadelphia - found that what may have helped 70-80 percent of participants with short-term or acute insomnia from allowing the problem to become chronic or long-term was a natural tendency to restrict time in bed.

For example, if they fell asleep at 11 p.m. and intended to get up at 7:30 a.m. but found themselves awake at 5:30 a.m., then they would get up anyway and start their day, rather than lie awake in bed.

Study leader Michael Perlis, an associate professor in psychiatry and director of the Penn Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program, says people who go on to develop chronic insomnia typically do the opposite - they extend what he and his colleagues call their "sleep opportunity."

He explains:
"They go to bed early, get out of bed late, and they nap. While this seems a reasonable thing to do, and may well be in the short term, the problem in the longer term is it creates a mismatch between the individual's current sleep ability and their current sleep opportunity; this fuels insomnia."

The research findings feature at SLEEP 2016, the 30th annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies LLC, in Denver, CO, June 11-16, 2016.

Getting up and getting on with your day rather than staying in bed trying to sleep is not only a useful tip if you have acute insomnia, but it is now also a formal part of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for chronic insomnia.

The American College of Physicians now recommend CBT as the initial, first-line treatment for chronic insomnia. They came to this decision after reviewing evidence that CBT can improve symptoms without the side effects of sleep medication.

Good sleepers spent less time in bed

Every year, 20-50 percent of Americans suffer from acute insomnia, which is defined as difficulty falling or staying asleep on three or more nights a week for between 2 weeks and 3 months. 

When the condition persists for more than 3 months, it is classed as chronic insomnia, which the authors note affects some 10 percent of Americans.

As with sleep loss, chronic insomnia can impair mental and physical performance, and increase the risk of developing a mental health disorder such as depression or substance abuse. 

It can also increase risk of chronic illnesses such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

Prof. Perlis and colleagues studied how time spent in bed varied in 461 participants over a 6-month period. At the start of the period, all participants were good sleepers, that is, they were not experiencing insomnia.

Over the period, 394 participants remained good sleepers throughout, 36 developed acute insomnia and recovered from it, and 31 developed acute insomnia that progressed to chronic insomnia. The data for the evaluation came from sleep diaries kept by the participants and analyzed by the researchers.

The results showed that in the good sleep phase, the group that remained good sleepers spent less time in bed than the group that developed and recovered from acute insomnia. Also, the time spent in bed at the start of the period did not differ significantly for the two insomnia groups.

However, during the acute insomnia phase, the group that recovered from this condition reduced the time they spent in bed compared with what it was at the start of the period, whereas the group whose acute insomnia turned into chronic insomnia increased it.

The researchers conclude that these preliminary results are consistent with the 3P model of insomnia - that extending sleep opportunity may help acute insomnia progress to chronic insomnia. They note that this is the first research to show such evidence.

The 3P model was developed by the late Arthur Spielman in the 1980s. 

It proposes that people susceptible to insomnia have some Predisposing characteristics, that 
the condition is triggered by some Precipitating event, and is perpetuated by attitudes and Practices that develop in response to insomnia and maintain it. An example of a practice that maintains the condition is the tendency to expand sleep opportunity to make up for sleep loss.

Prof. Perlis says acute insomnia is likely a natural part of the human condition, where the fight or flight response is a trigger for sleeplessness - it keeps you awake regardless of the time of day or night, in case there is a threat to life or quality of existence. Either way, sleep is not a good idea as long as the threat remains.
"It is understandable that sleeplessness has persisted as an adaptive response to such circumstances. In contrast, it's hard to imagine how chronic insomnia is anything but bad - and the clinical research data support this position given chronic insomnia's association with increased medical and psychiatric morbidity."
= Prof. Michael Perlis

Discover how people who sleep late are more likely to have an unhealthy diet.

Link: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/310949.php

Stick to a Bedtime

 Photo: SuperStock/Getty Images

To Stick to a Bedtime, Think of Sleep Like Exercise

Most people I know, when they say they try to stick to a bedtime, actually have two. There’s the time when they begin to cut themselves off from the day, when they physically climb under the covers and lay their head on the pillow. And then there’s the time after that — maybe a Netflix episode later, maybe after some Twitter scrolling and Instagram stalking and a little online window-shopping — when they actually close their eyes and try to drift off. A few years ago, scientists put a name to this phenomenon: “bedtime procrastination,” when you put off going to bed for no reason other than the fact that you can.

At this point, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that that staring at a screen right before bed (something 95 percent of Americans admit to doing) isn’t great for your sleep habits, and not just because it can cause temporary blindness — the blue light emitted by digital devices can seriously mess with the hormones that cause sleepiness, throwing off your circadian rhythm. And you may have heard the conventional wisdom about using your bed only for sleep and sex, a rule that helps you eliminate other nighttime distractions. And yet, for some mysterious reason, the lure of wasting time is powerful, even when it comes at the expense of an extra hour’s shut-eye.

But in a recent Wall Street Journal column, behavioral scientist Dan Ariely offered one way to beat bedtime procrastination: Enlist someone else to help you do it.

“A firm partner would do fine,” he wrote, but if you sleep solo (or next to a pushover), “you could ask a close friend to be your ‘sleep cop’ and promise to send him or her a picture of you in pajamas every night at 10.” 

If you think of sleep as just another hard-to-stick-to habit, the advice instantly feels familiar: Past research, after all, has shown that you’re more likely to keep up with a workout plan if you commit to working out with a friend. Ditto with a diet. Look up any list of tips on how to commit to a goal, or fulfill a New Year’s resolution, and the odds are good that social support will be on it. Bedtime’s no different — it’s hard to stick to, but easier if you’ve got someone looking out for you.

Saturday, November 12, 2016


The end of jet lag? Discovery of gene that is key to setting sleep cycles could lead to drugs that reset body clocks

  • Scientists studied the brains of fruit flies to explore our sleep cycle
  • They found proteins that are key to setting our circadian rhythm
  • The proteins change the fly's behaviour with the time of day
  • The findings could lead to new drugs for jet lag and sleep disorders
Our internal clocks are crucial to everyday life, like a silent metronome ticking in our brains that gently guides us to and from sleep.
Now, scientists have found a gene that is key to conducting our circadian rhythms - physical, mental and behavioural changes that follow a 24-hour cycle.
They hope this will provide a platform for the development of drugs targeting key proteins involved in our sleep cycles.
If so, drugs to treat common problems such as jet lag or sleep disorders could one day emerge.
Researchers have found a gene that is key in conducting our circadian rhythms, they hope that their work will be used to develop drugs for treating common sleep-related problems such as jet lag or sleep disorders (stock image)
Researchers have found a gene that is key in conducting our circadian rhythms, they hope that their work will be used to develop drugs for treating common sleep-related problems such as jet lag or sleep disorders (stock image)


The research builds on previous work from Professor Stanewsky and colleagues examining what they call the 'Quasimodo' gene.
The gene takes its name from the peculiar observation that some mutant versions give the Drosophila flies hunched backs.
The researchers used a red fluorescent protein to illuminate 'clock neurons' within the brains, which are important for the insect's circadian rhythm. 
They then recorded the clock neurons' electrical activity.
The scientists showed Quasimodo is key to the regulation of light responses in the clock neurons, thereby controlling the circadian rhythm.
They found the fly clock neurones were more excitable during the day than they were at night, supporting the theory they are key to cicardian time-keeping.
The scientists, from the University of Bristol, studied the brains of Drosophila fruit flies to try and crack the code to circadian rhythms.
These flies make for good test subjects because they have a strong 24-hour body cycle, or cicardian rhythm.
Drosophila is Latin for 'dew loving' because the flies are more active at dusk and dawn.
The fly's brain is made up of over 100,000 neurones, which can fit on the head of a pin.
But only 100 of these microscopic cells make up the insect's all-important body clock.
Each clock neuron encases clock genes, which switch each other on and off every day and night.
The team found three previously undiscovered proteins, working in unison on the surface of each clock neurone.
The proteins grant the clock responsiveness to light, meaning it can modify the behaviour of the flies with the time of day.
'To be useful for an organism, circadian clocks need to be synchronised (or reset) to the natural environment cycles of light and temperature,' said Dr Hodge from Bristol's School of Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience.
'This is much like how you need to reset your alarm clock or watch when you change time zone.'

The scientists, from the University of Bristol, studied the brains of Drosophila fruit flies to try and crack the code to circadian rhythms. The front of the Drosophila brain showing the 100 clock neurons and how light interacts with them to drive the circadian rhythm
The scientists, from the University of Bristol, studied the brains of Drosophila fruit flies to try and crack the code to circadian rhythms. The front of the Drosophila brain showing the 100 clock neurons and how light interacts with them to drive the circadian rhythm
Detail of a clock neuron, highlighted using a red fluorescent protein, with a recording electrode (from below and middle)
Detail of a clock neuron, highlighted using a red fluorescent protein, with a recording electrode (from below and middle)
The findings could ultimately reveal new membrane drug targets for jet lag and sleep disorders.
They will also help scientists to better understand the relationship between body clocks and health, as well as ageing and neurodegenerative diseases.
Future studies aim to characterise the membrane clock in further detail and to see if it is present in mammals.


Circadian rhythms are physical, mental and behavioural changes that follow a 24-hour cycle.
They respond primarily to light and darkness in an organism's environment.
They are found in most living things, including animals, plants and many tiny microbes.
Circadian rhythms are driven by our biological clocks.
They are produced by natural factors within the body, but they are also affected by signals from the environment.
Light is the main cue influencing circadian rhythms, turning genes on or off that control an organism's internal clocks.
The study of circadian rhythms is called chronobiology.
Link:  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3905786/The-end-jet-lag-Discovery-gene-key-setting-sleep-cycles-lead-drugs-reset-body-clocks.html

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Boost your self-compassion


Four ways to boost your self-compassion

Take a moment to think about how you treat yourself when you make a mistake or fail to reach a goal. If you tend to beat yourself up when things go wrong, you, like most people, can use a little more self-compassion in your life.

Forgiving and nurturing yourself seem to have benefits in their own right. They can even set the stage for better health, relationships, and general well-being. So far, research has revealed a number of benefits of self-compassion. Lower levels of anxiety and depression have been observed in people with higher self-compassion. Self-compassionate people recognize when they are suffering and are kind to themselves at these times, thereby lowering their own levels of related anxiety and depression.

Learn to have self-compassion

Some people come by self-compassion naturally, but not everyone does. Luckily, self-compassion is a skill you can learn. Several methods have been proposed, and training programs are being developed, to help people discover and cultivate their own self-compassion.

Here are four ways to give your self-compassion skills a quick boost:
  • Comfort your body. Eat something healthy. Lie down and rest. Massage your own neck, feet, or hands. Take a walk. Anything you can do to improve how you feel physically gives you a dose of self-compassion.
  • Write a letter to yourself. Think of a situation that caused you to feel pain (a breakup with a lover, a job loss, a poorly received presentation). Write a letter to yourself describing the situation, but without blaming anyone — including yourself. Use this exercise to nurture your feelings.
  • Give yourself encouragement. Think of what you would say to a good friend if he or she was facing a difficult or stressful situation. Then, when you find yourself in this kind of situation, direct these compassionate responses toward yourself.
  • Practice mindfulness. Even a quick exercise, such as meditating for a few minutes, can be a great way to nurture and accept ourselves while we're in pain.
For more ways to draw on your strengths and find the positive meaning in your life, purchase Positive Psychology, a Special Health Report from Harvard Medical School.

Image: iStock

Source: http://www.health.harvard.edu/mental-health/4-ways-to-boost-your-self-compassion

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Insomnia Linked To Abnormal Brain Connections

New Sleep Study:

Insomnia Linked To Abnormal Brain Connections

Insomnia is thought to affect one in three people in the UK.


Natasha Hinde Lifestyle Writer

People who suffer from insomnia are more likely to have damaged brain connections, a new study has revealed.

Published in the journal Radiology, the study identified abnormalities in the brain’s white matter tracts in insomnia patients.

White matter tracts are “mainly involved in the regulation of sleep and wakefulness, cognitive function and sensorimotor function”.

Researchers now want to conduct larger studies to clarify the relationship between white matter abnormalities and insomnia.

Primary insomnia is where individuals experience difficulty sleeping. It is associated with daytime fatigue, mood disruption and cognitive impairment, and can also lead to depression and anxiety disorders.

Insomnia is thought to regularly affect around one in every three people in the UK, and is particularly common in elderly people.

Shumei Li and a team of researchers, from the Department of Medical Imaging in Guangdong No. 2 Provincial People’s Hospital, China, set out to analyse the white matter tracts in insomnia patients and the relationship between abnormal white matter integrity and the level of insomnia.

According to Li, white matter tracts are “bundle of axons - or long fibers of nerve cells - that connect one part of the brain to another”.

“If white matter tracts are impaired, communication between brain regions is disrupted,” she explained.

The study analysed the brains of 23 patients with primary insomnia and 30 healthy control volunteers.

To evaluate mental status and sleep patterns, all participants completed questionnaires about sleep quality, insomnia severity, anxiety and depression.

Each participant also underwent brain MRI scans, which used a specialised technique called diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). This allows researchers to analyse the pattern of water movement along white matter tracts to identify whether they are damaged or not.

The results showed that, compared to participants from the healthy control group, insomnia patients had significantly reduced white matter integrity in several right-brain regions as well as the thalamus, which regulates consciousness, sleep and alertness.

Li said: “These impaired white matter tracts are mainly involved in the regulation of sleep and wakefulness, cognitive function and sensorimotor function.”

Additionally, abnormalities in the thalamus and body corpus callosum - the largest white matter structure in the brain - were associated with the duration of patients’ insomnia and how depressed they felt.

“The involvement of the thalamus in the pathology of insomnia is particularly critical, since the thalamus houses important constituents of the body’s biological clock,” Li added.

Researchers believe abnormalities of white matter integrity in insomnia patients may be due to loss of myelin, the protective coating around nerve fibers.

They added that larger studies are needed to clarify the relationship between altered white matter integrity and insomnia.


5 Things You Should Never Do Before Bed

How The Different Stages Of Sleep Affect Your Health And Well being

Link: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/people-with-insomnia-might-have-damaged-brain-connections-mri-scans-show_uk_57065bfee4b01e4956fd18ac

Saturday, July 23, 2016

‘Extreme Sitting’

‘Extreme Sitting’ For More Than 10 Hours A Day Linked To Heart Disease

A moderate amount of sitting, however, doesn’t seem to have much of an effect.


Ryan McVay via Getty Images

By Kathryn Doyle

(Reuters Health) – Being sedentary, at least in moderation, is unlikely to cause heart disease, according to a new review of past research.

Based on their analysis, researchers conclude that only very high levels of sedentary time ― more than 10 hours per day ― are linked to an increased risk of heart attack, stroke or heart disease-related death.

Compared to sitting for less than three of one’s waking hours each day, more than 10 hours of sedentary time was tied to an 8 percent increase in risk for developing heart disease.

“Our findings suggest that sedentary time is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease, independent of other potential risk factors such as body mass index and physical activity, only at very high levels,” said lead author Dr. Ambarish Pandey of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.

It hadn’t been clear exactly how much sedentary time should be avoided to lower cardiovascular disease risk, Pandey told Reuters Health by email.

The researchers analyzed data from nine long-term studies that had followed more than 700,000 adults and calculated the association between their inactive time and their incidence of events like heart attack and stroke. “Sedentary time” included any low-activity periods, like sitting, watching TV or driving.

Half of the studies followed people for more than 11 years. In total there were 25,769 unique cardiovascular events.

People who were the most sedentary, about 12 hours per day, were 14 percent more likely than those who were sedentary only 2.5 hours per day to develop cardiovascular disease. But more moderate sedentary times were not tied to increased risk.

Risk only started to increase after more than 10 hours of sedentary time per day, according to the results in JAMA Cardiology.

“The types of relationship between sedentary time and cardiovascular disease (CVD) events will provide different kind of recommendations for the restriction of sedentary time to prevent CVD events in the future,” said Yeonju Kim, a research specialist at the University of Hawaii Cancer Center in Honolulu, who was not part of the new study.

But we’ll need more studies in addition to this review before implementing a guideline, like limiting sedentary time to less than 10 hours per day, Kim told Reuters Health by email.

“There is previous literature to suggest that lower sedentary time is associated with higher cardiorespiratory fitness levels, which may underlie some of the observed association,” Pandey said.

Staying active and getting regular exercise can help lower cardiovascular disease risk, he said.

“Increasing physical activity, avoiding prolonged sitting time, workplace interventions such as sit-stand work stations and activity-permissive desks may be useful to lower sedentary time,” he added.

SOURCE: http://bit.ly/29JyZNp JAMA Cardiology, online July 13, 2016.



Sunday, June 19, 2016

What Causes of Insomnia? and Why worry about insomnia?

Newsletter: April 2011

The Causes of Insomnia
Jordana Cooperberg, MA
Insomnia, we’ve all used the term, but what does it really mean? Some people would say it means a lousy night of sleep. Insomnia literally means “no sleep” or the inability to sleep. The clinical definition of insomnia is a problem initiating and/or maintaining sleep, early morning awakening, or the complaint of nonrestorative or unrefreshing sleep.  These all lead to a complaint of distress about sleep or daytime impairment. At least one of these sleep problems should occur at least 3 nights a week before you think about treatment. Not getting enough sleep is only classified as insomnia for individuals who have adequate opportunity for sleep. It’s not insomnia if you can’t sleep because you don’t allow yourself enough time for sleep.

Insomnia is a very common problem, with 50% of adults reporting insomnia sometime in their lives.  According to the National Institute of Health, insomnia affects 70 million Americans and 1 in 10 adults report chronic insomnia.  Insomnia complaints increase with age usually because the number of awakenings increases with age. The more you wake up, the greater chance you have of not being able to fall back to sleep.  Additionally, women report more insomnia than men (although older men show more disrupted sleep on polysomnography than women).  But what actually causes insomnia? 

Theories on causes of insomnia
Is it biological?
  • Hypersecretion of cortisol, a stress hormone, secreted in higher levels during the body’s “flight or fight” response, may be responsible for your poor night’s sleep. Cortisol is produced by the adrenal gland and the highest levels are found in the early morning and lowest at night. Levels of cortisol have been found to be higher at night for insomniacs than for people without sleep trouble.
Or is it that poor sleep is caused by the thoughts that keep us awake?
  • The 3P Model of insomnia feels that some people have:
 Predisposing Characteristics. These are characteristicsfound within people that make them susceptible to insomnia, for example being highly anxious/agitated, perfectionistic, having a high need for control, high energy/high intensity, physiological or cognitive hyperarousal.

Then there is some Precipitating Event, whichis a situational factor usually outside of one’s control and can throw your waking life as well as your sleep out of balance, for example birth of a child, death of a loved one (or any major loss), work related stress, or health issues.

There are thenperpetuating attitudes and practices that develop in response to insomnia and serve to maintain it. These practices often come into play as an attempt to deal with insomnia. Each night of insomnia triggers shifts in confidence about being able to sleep as well as causing changes in behaviors around sleep, like staying in bed too long, napping, or becoming anxious that you won’t be able to sleep.

Or is there another cause for the poor sleep?
  • Poor sleep can also be caused by other problems, like sleep apnea or periodic limb movements during sleep. If you think that might be the problem it is important to be evaluated further at a sleep clinic.
Besides being tired, why worry about insomnia?

Research shows that insomnia can cause depression, but if you treat the insomnia early, you can actually prevent depression. Insomnia also increases the risk of panic disorder and/or anxiety, alcohol abuse, headaches, GI upset and serious accidents, injuries, and falls. Additionally, insomniacs may self medicate and use alcohol to help them sleep. Although alcohol will help you fall asleep, it causes fragmented sleep and more awakenings later in the night. Tolerance also occurs very quickly so that it takes more alcohol to get the same effect. One drink may have helped on Sunday night, but later in the week, by Friday night, you may need 5-6 drinks to get the same effect.

What can I do to help my insomnia?

While it may seem like you are destined for a poor night’s sleep, a few simple changes can help improve your sleep.  Below are some books that you might find helpful.  Otherwise a sleep therapist can help you with achieving better sleep hygiene or other therapies such as stimulus control and light therapy.  If you are having trouble improving your sleep on your own, make an appointment at a local sleep center to have your sleep evaluated further.

Recommended readings:
Glovinsky, P., & Spielman, A. (2006). The insomnia answer.  New York:  Berkley.
Perlis, M.L., et al. (2005).  Cognitive behavioral treatment of insomnia.  New York:  Springer

Perelman School of Medicine
at the University of Pennsylvania
PAH Outpatient Behavioral Health Clinic

Link: http://www.med.upenn.edu/psychotherapy/user_documents/CausesofInsomnia

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Clinical Definition Of Insomnia Hasn’t Changed — But The Treatment Has


The Clinical Definition Of Insomnia Hasn’t Changed — But The Treatment Has

The best treatment for insomnia, according to the American College of Physicians is CBT.

Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia is the best treatment for people suffering from chronic insomnia, advises the American College of Physicians (ACP).

The ACP has published new practise guidelines on insomnia.

As many as 1 in 10 people experience chronic insomnia.

Chronic insomnia is usually defined as having disturbed sleep on at least three nights per week over three months.

Women are more likely to suffer than men and it can lead to all sorts of debilitating effects including difficulties with mood, memory, attention and risky behaviours.
(read on: Lack of Sleep: The 10 Most Profound Psychological Effects).

Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT-I. involves learning the correct sleep habits as well as addressing thoughts about sleep.

Here is one of the techniques that is taught:
6 Easy Steps to Falling Asleep Fast

Dr Wayne J. Riley, ACP President, said.

“Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia is an effective treatment and can be initiated in a primary care setting.

Although we have insufficient evidence to directly compare CBT-I and drug treatment, CBT-I is likely to have fewer harms.

Sleep medications can be associated with serious adverse effects.”

People can receive CBT-I face-to-face, in group, over the phone or even online.

If CBT-I doesn’t work then it may be appropriate to add drugs.

Dr Riley said:

“Medications should ideally be used for no longer than four to five weeks while the skills learned in CBT-I can manage insomnia over the longer term.

Before continuing drug therapy, doctors should consider treatable secondary causes of insomnia such as depression, pain, enlarged prostate, substance abuse disorders, and other sleep disorders like sleep apnea and restless legs syndrome.”

One study has even found that insomnia can be cured in a single one-hour session:

The new guidelines were published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine (Qaseem et al., 2016).

Related articles:
1 Hour of This Therapy Cured 73% of Insomniacs, New Study Finds
Meditation is an Effective Treatment for Depression, Anxiety and Pain
A Fast-Acting Treatment Which Helps Severely Depressed Experience Pleasure Again

Monday, May 9, 2016

Narcolepsy in New York City

                                 Kenny Louie/flickr


Portraits of Narcolepsy in New York City
Inside the disquieting lives of five people who struggle with sleep in the city that never does

APR 29, 2014

On the corner of 45th and Broadway, during his lunch break, Grey Becker abruptly fell to the street, limbs flailing uncontrollably. In an attempt to remove him from oncoming traffic, a woman tried to pull Becker onto the curb. Unable to bear the dead weight of his 220-pound body, she repeatedly lifted and dropped him. Becker felt a dull snap when she dragged his side over the curb. Finally, the woman gave up.

“Just leave him. He’s drunk,” said her male companion. The couple crossed the street, abandoning Becker, who was fully conscious, yet devoid of motor control. He knew from previous episodes that if he tried to stand up prematurely, he would collapse again.
A few minutes later, a passerby helped Becker to his feet. “I just remember being extremely embarrassed,” he recalls, adding that his embarrassment quickly turned into anger, as it usually did after such an episode.

On this afternoon in March 2012, Becker, a 20-year military veteran and cancer survivor, was not drunk. He experienced cataplexy, one of the many symptoms of narcolepsy, a disorder he has had for the past five years.
Cataplexy is sudden and uncontrollable muscle weakness, often triggered by emotions. The result was a broken rib.

* * *

Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder caused by a loss of the brain’s neurotransmitters that regulate sleep-wake cycles. A groundbreaking studypublished in the December 2013 issue of the journal Science Translational Medicine, said that narcolepsy appears to be an autoimmune disease, killing the cells that produce the transmitters. While affecting some 250,000 Americans, it’s believed that fewer than a quarter of those living with the disorder are actually diagnosed. Although four times more common than cystic fibrosis and nearly comparable in frequency to multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease, narcolepsy is often mistaken for depression, epilepsy, bipolar disorder, learning impairments, or dismissed as laziness.
The most recent survey of the four-year medical school curriculum reveals an average of less than two hours of formal sleep education, so it’s not surprising that a person with narcolepsy can wait years before being properly diagnosed with the disorder.
For a normal sleeper to understand how a non-medicated narcoleptic feels on a daily basis, he would have to stay awake for two to three days. Getting enough sleep is key to living a happy, healthy life; a person can exist longer without food than without sleep. Yet it’s the first thing we sacrifice to get our jobs done. Sixty-five percent of Americans are sleep-deprived, according to James Maas, a social psychologist and sleep specialist who coined the term power nap. The expansive market for energy drinks and coffee shops capitalizes on a culture predicated on staying awake and ahead of the rest.
The heart of America's sleepless lifestyle is New York ("the city that never sleeps"). There are 201 Starbucks in Manhattan alone, nightclubs open until 4 A.M., and diners that never close, offering anything from a grilled cheese to surf-and-turf at any hour. New York’s nickname is genius marketing; on a subway wall an advertisement for HSBC’s 24-hour ATMs reads, “This city never sleeps, neither do we,” illustrating that around-the-clock service and sleeplessness equal reliability.

But the list of health risks associated with a lack of sleep is long. Sleep deprivation is associated with high blood pressure and obesity, and people who sleep less than six hours each night lower their resistance to viral infection by 50 percent. While many of us choose to skimp on sleep, others, unfortunately, don’t have an option. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 40 million Americans suffer from one or more of the 100 chronic sleep disorders, narcolepsy being one. For a normal sleeper to understand how a non-medicated narcoleptic feels on a daily basis, he would have to stay up for two to three days straight.

* * *

 If you consider the city's population, and the fact that one in 2,000 people are narcoleptic, that means there are about 4,000 narcoleptics living in New York City. But before January 2013 there was only one official support group.

The Narcolepsy Institute met once a month on a weekday afternoon at the Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx. The institute opened in 1985, and a New York state grant allowed the director, Dr. Meeta Goswami, to provide free services to all patients as often as they liked. But the grant ended in 2010, forcing Goswami to stop outreach and volunteer her time to see patients for individual counseling and monthly group meetings.
“All they need is somebody to motivate them, to understand their situation, and offer support," Goswami says. "Our studies show that those who have social support do much better.”
Narcoleptics often feel isolated, and the lack of resources available can further exacerbate a sense of loneliness. So when Keith Harper, a 32-year-old soft-spoken graphic designer and narcoleptic, moved to Manhattan from Seattle with his wife three years ago, he wanted to meet others with the disorder. Harper knew trekking up to the Bronx for a support group meeting in the middle of his workday was not a viable option, so he formed his own group, NYZ Narcoleptics. The group gets together once a month on Sundays at Le Pain Quotidian in midtown. On nice days they walk to Bryant Park and find a sunny spot to sit and talk for a few hours.

Dr. Eveline Honig, executive director of the Narcolepsy Network, a nonprofit national patient support organization, acknowledges the challenges Harper faces in developing his group. “They [people with narcolepsy] do things when they’re half asleep. They forget appointments or fall asleep when they’re supposed to be somewhere. Sometimes, when they’re very stressed out they fall asleep, so organization is a big problem.” Honig adds that she hopes Harper will be able to get more people involved.

Harper recently added weekday happy hours to the group’s agenda, encouraging members to unwind after work and share their experiences living with narcolepsy over a beer or two. Spending time with several New York narcoleptics offers a lesson in the unique ways they cope with this condition.

* * *

“I’ve never met anyone else with narcolepsy,” Grant Billingsley announced at 12th Street Ale House in the East Village during NYZ Narcoleptics’ first organized happy hour in late November 2013. Diagnosed with narcolepsy at age 17, Billingsley, now 33, has understood the disorder almost exclusively through his own experiences.

Billingsley sometimes stopped walking after he told a joke because laughter might spur a cataplectic episode.

On this Tuesday night at the back of the nearly empty, dimly-lit bar, he chatted and laughed with Harper, taking sips of lager during brief lulls in conversation. Billingsley recounted how he sometimes stopped walking after he told a joke because emotions, such as laughter, might spur a cataplectic episode, much like the one Becker experienced during his lunch break. Billingsley’s sister, whom he brought along hoping the meeting would help her better understand his narcolepsy, responded with “I always wondered why you did that!” Harper listened intently as Billingsley explained his past and why this born-and-raised Texan now found himself in New York City.

In December 1997, after a series of dangerous incidents of falling asleep while driving short distances in Texas, Billingsley finally went to neurologist Dr. David Green. During the consultation, Green asked his patient to walk around the office while he told a joke. At the punch line, Billingsley couldn’t help but laugh, his legs simultaneously buckling and upper body folding forward like a rag doll. Green explained that this was cataplexy. He surmised Billingsley had narcolepsy because cataplexy pretty much only occurs concurrently with the disorder (about 50 percent of narcoleptics also have cataplexy). Green scheduled a Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) to be certain. The test results confirmed his suspicion.

Shortly after his diagnosis, Billingsley began the psychostimulant Ritalin, but he only took it for a few months because it irritated his stomach. Next he tried Adderall, which, as he says, gave him “ridiculous dry mouth,” but helped in the beginning to fight off the urge to keep sleeping. After four years on Adderall, he switched to Provigil, a prescription drug previously used to keep soldiers awake. Today, the drug is taken to quell excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), the most common symptom of narcolepsy.

In July 2013, Billingsley moved to New York City. Although eager to fully immerse himself into the art scene, he took a job as an art installer to pay for his apartment in Soho, delivering paintings for celebrities like Charlize Theron and Steven Spielberg. On his first day, Billingsley fell asleep several times in the back of the truck and, not wanting others to dismiss him as lazy, told his moving partners that he was narcoleptic.

“It’s difficult for narcoleptics to decide whether to be honest or not about their narcolepsy,” Billingsley says. But in this case, he made the right choice. His partners understood he would never do any of the driving, but still put in the time and effort like everyone else. Nothing changed, except now they call him Sleeping Beauty, a nickname Billingsley says he doesn’t mind.

After our first interaction at the bar, I asked Billingsley if we could meet again for a one-on-one interview. He agreed, but jokingly said he might not seem as energetic and awake because I would no longer be a new, interesting face. Billingsley’s biggest complaint is the time the disorder takes away from him, but he finds that New York City is the perfect place for a narcoleptic artist. If he sleeps through an art show or lecture, he knows a similar event will take place in another few weeks. Plus, the stimulating lights and sounds of the city help keep him awake.

Billingsley no longer takes any medication, but is considering trying a new drug once he has a set schedule. There’s now a movement to use Xyrem as a first-line drug to treat narcolepsy whether or not the patient has cataplexy. Xyrem treats all the symptoms of narcolepsy, from daytime sleepiness and cataplexy to sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations—visual, auditory, or tactile visions that occur during the transition from wakefulness to sleep. However, because of its potency, ingestion of this powerful medication that has been used illegally as a date rape drug, may result in severe side effects such as seizures, difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness, and even death. Xyrem is also extremely expensive without health insurance and only available through certain doctors because it’s an “orphan drug,” designed for a relatively small number of patients whose production cost outweighs the number of people using it. Depending on the dosage, a month’s supply of Xyrem can cost anywhere between $4,628 and $9,256.

Aside from the expense, Xyrem and other drugs prescribed to treat the disorder are a source of frustration for narcoleptics because their efficacy differs for each patient. A great deal of experimentation usually occurs before a patient finds the right combination of drugs. It’s also possible for some to experience side effects so severe that their only option is to stay away from all medication and try to find other ways to cope with their narcolepsy.

* * *

For James Deufel, 21, the best medication is physical activity.

“My bike, to be honest, works better than the Ritalin or Provigil. As soon as I get off the bike, that’s when I feel my most well-rested,” says Deufel.

Weather permitting, Deufel bikes to work each day.

The subway is a viable alternative and much safer than driving a car in the city’s stop-and-go traffic, but he has overslept his stop in the past. If he does take the subway, Deufel makes sure to stay standing.

At 13, Deufel suffered from a severe concussion after a classmate threw an ice ball at his face, and for several weeks afterwards he slept constantly. His mother, who also has narcolepsy, saw that his symptoms correlated with her own and suggested he might have developed the condition after the traumatic brain injury.

Deufel views sleep as an addiction, so he fights it as best as he can, works hard, and never stops moving.

Because autoimmune disorders can be hereditary, there are some cases in which several family members have narcolepsy. “I am lucky enough to have a mother who also has it,” Deufel says—lucky here meaning that he was quickly diagnosed because his mother recognized her child’s symptoms and could sympathize with his daily struggles. The disorder doesn’t cause such intense feelings of isolation for Deufel like for others because he has a strong support system in his family and friends.However, to control the physical symptoms, at 15, Deufel began taking Ritalin. He had to wait until he was 18 before switching to Provigil, a drug not approved for children. Both stimulants worked for a few years, but stopped once he built up a tolerance. Unable to concentrate or stay awake in college, Deufel dropped out and moved into an apartment in Bushwick with his childhood friends who make sure he’s awake for his shifts at Trader Joe's. He works in the liquor department, carrying cases of wine and beer, never allowing himself to stop and sit down because he knows that as soon as he does, he will fall asleep. Deufel sees one positive aspect of the disorder: It has driven a strong work ethic. He views sleep as an addiction, so he fights it as best as he can, works hard, and never stops moving.

* * *

To understand why narcoleptics are always so tired it helps to compare their sleep cycles to a person with regular sleep patterns.

A normal sleeper alternates between non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM) that together make up one full sleep cycle usually lasting 100 to 110 minutes. This cycle repeats until the person wakes up. When a person begins to fall asleep, she enters stage one of NREM sleep, a period of light sleep. A few minutes later she enters stage two and begins to disengage from her surroundings. During this stage, breathing and heart rate become regulated and body temperature drops. Stages three and four of NREM are the deepest and most restorative periods of sleep when muscles relax and hormones, such as growth hormone (crucial for development), are released. Each stage of NREM lasts between five and 15 minutes.

At anywhere between 80 to 100 minutes, a normal sleeper goes into REM sleep, when the eyes quickly move back and forth, dreams occur, and the body goes into sleep paralysis, meaning the muscles are completely relaxed and turned off. Paralysis occurs so the sleeper does not act out her dreams. In a person who experiences regular sleep patterns, the brain is in NREM sleep for 75 percent and REM sleep for 25 percent of the night.

Narcoleptics, on the other hand, normally enter REM sleep first and it takes them just a few minutes to do so. Then they quickly leave this stage. Their stage one sleep is longer than a normal sleeper’s, while stages three and four are much shorter. This is why they never receive the necessary amount of restorative sleep needed to feel well-rested. While a normal sleeper’s sleep cycle usually lasts a consecutive eight hours at night, a narcoleptic’s is sporadically spread out throughout all 24 hours of the day, and they fall in and out of fragmented sleep, which explains why narcoleptics commonly experience excessive daytime sleepiness. However, at bedtime, they may struggle to fall and stay asleep, so many also suffer from insomnia or continuously wake up over the course of the night.

While common, these symptoms are not universal. Each case of narcolepsy is unique, which is why it can be difficult to diagnose and fully comprehend.

* * *

At 34, Mee Warren is a highly successful trader at Two Sigma Investments in Soho. She is also narcoleptic. It is her ambition, much like James Deufel’s, that has gotten her to where she is today. “It’s do or die. I’ve been independent since I was 18. If I don’t work, I don’t eat,” she says.

Warren enjoys her job as a trader and the intense, stimulating environment helps her stay awake. Her narcolepsy is manageable, and she is able to live a fairly normal, if still exhausting, life with the help of a Ritalin in the morning and another dose during the day if needed. Warren also finds support and inspiration as a board member of the Narcolepsy Network. However, prior to her diagnosis at 18, she struggled to try and make sense of the strange, uncontrollable things happening to her body.

Sleep paralysis, another symptom of narcolepsy, occurs upon wakening or falling asleep. A normal sleeper enters paralysis while in REM sleep, but because narcoleptics have irregular sleep-wake cycles, their brain sometimes cannot distinguish between being awake versus dreaming. The brain still thinks it’s in REM and the body is awake, but the former cannot send the latter messages to signal movement. Thus, paralysis occurs.

Warren recalls the sheer terror she felt when she couldn’t move upon awakening one morning.

“It’s always the scariest thing because you fall asleep and you can’t move, and your blanket is over your head, so you feel like you’re suffocating,” Warren says. After experiencing countless sleep paralysis attacks, she now knows that fighting it doesn’t work. She must relax, fall back asleep, and wake up naturally.

* * *

Sometimes, regardless of determination and medication, the disorder prevails. Jackie Horvath, 39, is currently confined to her apartment on Staten Island. She often feels disoriented. “I don’t know half the time if I’m sleeping or awake,” Horvath says.

Her long and painful journey with narcolepsy began late one Saturday night in 2001. While driving back from a friend’s house on the south shore of Staten Island in her burgundy Mercury Mystique, Horvath noticed a hitchhiker. Dressed in all white with long wavy hair, he stood on the side of the road with his thumb sticking out.

"I hit him with my car, his head hit my windshield, and I saw his blood." But when she looked up, he was gone, and so was the blood.

“I saw Jesus,” Horvath says, laughing at the absurdity of what she remembers seeing. Horvath wouldn’t pick up a stranger in the middle of the night, especially near a desolate wooded area, so she continued driving, looking back to catch one last glimpse of the out-of-place man. But he had disappeared and when she turned around to face the road ahead he was standing right in front of her car. “I hit him with my car, his head hit my windshield, and I saw his blood. He went underneath the car, my car bounced and I ran him over,” she recalls. Horvath pulled to the side of the road, shedding tears of terror as she searched for her phone to call 911. But when she looked up, he was gone, and so was the blood.

On a number of occasions, Horvath experienced other disturbing visions and sensations at home. She felt and saw a bug crawl on her shirt while lying in bed and after she blinked, two more bugs appeared. Another blink produced a swarm of insects that covered her entire body, biting her and causing her to bleed uncontrollably. After Horvath closed her eyes for a few seconds and then opened them, there was no trace of the bugs, their bite marks, or her blood.

Worried she was suffering from a severe psychological illness, and that if she told her doctor they would take her daughter away, Horvath waited several months before scheduling an appointment. When she finally confided in her pulmonologist, Dr. Thomas Kilkenny, he laughed and assured her she wasn’t going crazy, but that, given her past sleeping problems and recent visual, auditory, and tactile hallucinations, she most likely had narcolepsy. A few weeks later, she received the official diagnosis. Her doctor was correct.

For several years after the initial diagnosis, Horvath managed to keep her narcolepsy under control with a mixture of Provigil and Adderall. She worked full-time as an executive assistant in the legal department of Goldman Sachs, commuting on the bus from Staten Island to Battery Park. She went to school part-time and raised her daughter alone.

As her medication became less effective, she added Xyrem and started increasing the doses little by little. One night, Horvath set her shirt on fire while cooking. Having taken too much Xyrem, she finally realized she was fighting a serious addiction. The carefree high provided an escape from an increasingly severe disorder that forced her to go on partial disability twice. After ending her dangerous relationship with Xyrem, Horvath noticed that the stutter she developed as a side effect of the drug disappeared.

About a year ago, she began experiencing extreme stomach problems that her doctors concluded was a result of the Provigil and Adderall she had continuously taken over the past 12 years. Horvath had to stop all of her medication. Now this once career-driven, outgoing woman is on full disability, confined to her home on Staten Island.

“You should thank your lucky stars that you can wake up and go to your job,” Horvath says, explaining how hard she worked to finally attain a position at Goldman Sachs and the outrage she feels when people complain about going to work every day.

Currently, Horvath sleeps for two hours, wakes up for an hour or so, and then goes back to sleep. She doesn’t cook anymore, afraid she will fall asleep and burn the food or cause another fire. Her daughter, now 19, lives with her father. Horvath has Niecy, her shih tzu, to keep her company.

“I can’t even get out of my bed to walk my dog. It’s not the depression that’s keeping me in bed, it’s the narcolepsy that’s keeping me in bed and the depression sets in because I’m just so tired of being tired,” Horvath says.

Like so many other narcoleptics, she becomes infuriated when people play doctor and suggest ways to help her deal with the disorder: “Try yoga, try praying, go for a walk, drink a cup of coffee.” If she could do something to feel better, she would, but right now there are no solutions.

* * *

On average, a narcoleptic experiences their first symptoms in their teens and twenties, but there are always exceptions.

Throughout his 20-year military career, Grey Becker rarely had trouble sleeping. But a diagnosis of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma in 2001 changed his relationship with sleep and his body forever.

In 2006, Becker’s cancer was in remission and he could return to work as a Seabee (Navy construction worker). As soon as he sailed to Italy with the 21 other Seabees, he began feeling unusually fatigued. Thinking the exhaustion was a normal result of the cancer treatment, Becker fought it as best as he could, adding naps and making adjustments to his daily schedule. Yet when he went to bed at night, he couldn’t stay asleep for longer than four hours.

It wasn’t until he fell asleep at the wheel while pulling into the front gate of Burmington Naval Station in Washington that he knew something was truly wrong. Becker tried to wake up and speak to the ticket collector, but he couldn’t. “I felt like I was underwater,” he recalls. Looking back now, he realizes this was his first major cataplectic episode.

Finally diagnosed with narcolepsy in 2009 at the age of 37, Becker has the same neurological disorder that his half brother and now deceased father had. Both also battled cancer. Doctors discovered Becker possessed the genetic marker inherent in patients with narcolepsy (it’s believed that 20 percent of the general population possess the gene) and surmised that the symptoms surfaced because of the two rounds of radiation he underwent in 2001 and 2003.

Becker says half of his unhappiness stems from his cataplexy; he won't pick up his two-year-old nephew because he worries he will drop him.

Now at the age of 41, Becker is a fully disabled veteran living inSunnyside, Queens with his two dogs, Baci, a deaf Australian Shepherd and Kieran, a Chihuahua. He adopted Baci simply to have as a canine companion, but it turned out he was a seizure-alert dog. Since seizures are similar to cataplectic episodes, it was easy to train Baci to recognize when Becker was about to have an attack.

Although disabled, Becker still works full-time at D.C. Comics on Broadway between 53rd and 54th streets as the supply chain management, logistics, and special print administrator. But only a strict and somewhat controversial daily medicinal routine, especially for a former military man, enables him to take the subway to and from work and make it through the nine-hour workday.

In addition to Xyrem and Provigil, Becker uses “edibles.”

“I moved here, and what I discovered was cannabis,” Becker says, who has a medical marijuana card and swears by his cookies and cupcakes, claiming they work better than any other medication to suppress his cataplexy and help him focus. But he doesn’t smoke marijuana; he only ingests it. Even with the marijuana and stimulants, he still experiences cataplexy, albeit less frequently. Becker says half of his unhappiness stems from his cataplexy; he won’t pick up his two-year-old nephew because he worries he will drop him.

On many weekends, Becker purges himself of Xyrem and Provigil because both cause him to feel agitated, a side effect he endures during the week because he loves his job and wants to work. Becker longs to accomplish certain things on Saturdays and Sundays, but can’t without his medication. Most of his weekends are spent doing very little. Becker either sleeps or ingests an edible, often a red velvet cupcake, to stay awake, living through two unproductive days at home. But he is happy living in New York City.

“New York is great because you don’t have to drive if you don’t feel like it. There’s always something open. There’s always something I can eat.” The city that never sleeps, Becker says, “is kind of designed for narcoleptics in that way.”

Source: http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/04/portraits-of-narcolepsy-in-new-york-city/360981/